Timp in afara timpului.Sper timp! / Time out of time. I am hoping time!
Induc zvacnirile pulsului mei ciobit / I am inducing the dashes of my chippy pulse
Intr-o scrisoare cu retur. / In a returnable letter
Si cu raspuns falsificat. / And with a forged reply.
Simt vina din constienta / I feel the guilt in my conscience
Pe buzele-mi de-un tremur umed. / On my lips of a wet thrill.
Umezeala din lichenii/ The moisture in the lichens
Globilor tai oculari... / Of your eye globes...
Intredeschid gura / With my mouth half opened
Si ling aerul sarat / I lick the salty air
Nu am nevoie de oxigen! / I don't need the oxygen!
Trebuie sa ma compun rapid / I have to compose myself quickly
Sa pot fugi apoi / So i'll be able to run , after that,
Aproape de departarea propriei ameteli.. / Close to the remoteness of my own vertigo.
Vreau ceata inapoi! / I want the fog back!
Induc zvacnirile pulsului mei ciobit / I am inducing the dashes of my chippy pulse
Intr-o scrisoare cu retur. / In a returnable letter
Si cu raspuns falsificat. / And with a forged reply.
Simt vina din constienta / I feel the guilt in my conscience
Pe buzele-mi de-un tremur umed. / On my lips of a wet thrill.
Umezeala din lichenii/ The moisture in the lichens
Globilor tai oculari... / Of your eye globes...
Intredeschid gura / With my mouth half opened
Si ling aerul sarat / I lick the salty air
Nu am nevoie de oxigen! / I don't need the oxygen!
Trebuie sa ma compun rapid / I have to compose myself quickly
Sa pot fugi apoi / So i'll be able to run , after that,
Aproape de departarea propriei ameteli.. / Close to the remoteness of my own vertigo.
Vreau ceata inapoi! / I want the fog back!
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