joi, 21 octombrie 2010

Our soundtrack's wasted on a couple of drinks

Do you remember the way you loved to get high but how, in most of the days, i wasn't tall enough?
Still you had some sort of a thing to lengthen me without asking. Call it a medicine's allure ,a dream's spongy peel, the sweet taste of a pill and nevertheless the brutal & saturated humidity (or maybe the innocence) of a tear.
Do you recall the others dramas while ours would remain traumatic,unspecific,but lovable .No map would direct your eyes ,or sorrow , or your syrupy fakeness across my body yet unpatched , but definitely bruised and calling for more.
Did you ever see yourself mirrored in my lids , with your imbibed dark circles and skinny smiles?'Cause I could have shot a picture of you with my pupils dead an burried.
You did provided me perpetually with runaways provoked by your overworn lips and scattered impulses all over my cerebral being.That was my greedy need.
Do you ever retrieve the moment of wiping heavy rain off a spirit rather than off a stand-by modded piece of flesh?The fingerprints are still there,you know..
You would confess yourself in an undersized moment as being concluded long ago.But if you ask me ,or even if you don't ,you seemed as being started for forever now .And if forever means never to you , well ,then i'd say that your 'never' is everlastingly ,boy.
Is your forever-never and a day cured now?
Darling,your mantra's doused in the flatline of your 'magic potion'.
Does it still work for you?
Never did I flood your empty spaces nor introduced myself as who i was to a somebody that might've never been.

miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010


M-ai scos in ultima mea zi din punga lasata la marginea pamantului imbibat de alcool .
Iesita din propria negare invatasem sa alerg cu sunetele-mi vobulate stagnand in fata a patru roti ; ma initiasem in belartele obrajilor rosii si ale chipurilor aplecate spre pamant ; studiasem efecte egale si de sens contrar , castigand prelungiri , si respiratii cumparate cu bilete.Adevarate.
Stiu ce inseamna atasamentul cu privire la fiinte singulare,solitar expectorand pe cord persoane a-1-a plural.
Te stiu,intreg suicidal.Aprinderea ta zilnica si stingerea ta vadita ma plutea.
Unu pe unu.
Imi imbratisez moralul viciat de ceva ce poate simt si imi presez fizicul.Nu m-ai corupt.
Mi se stricase mana.

Si stii?E uimitor cum o zi iti poate schimba cuvintele.
Te stiu.
Si stii?Camasa alba din seara asta imi arata cum oamenii sunt facuti sa mearga drept.Sa calce pas cu pas , siret cu siret , fara sa se uite in jos.Ci doar la cei din fata.
Te stiu.
Si stii?E oarecum amuzant ca o copila sa fi simtit ceva perpetuu pentru cineva care nici nu consta in ulei de in , ci probabil se auto caracteriza ca fiind un fel de propanonă.
Si stii?
Nu stiu- daca subconstientul meu pretinde ca te cunoaste , sau chiar mi-ai atins buzele usor in speranta ca vei indeparta vreo picatura de ploaie.Nu sunt la fel de sigura ca a fost doar un reflex.
Poate ca am realizat ca torentul inocent din ochii tai era cauzat doar de niste pete de ochelari.Lentile?Astept un final hemoptic pentru a sti sigur.
Cum iti voi raspunde?Cum imi voi raspunde?
Sunt debutanta si inmoi gene inutil.Urasc cuvantul ala , si imi urasc replica.
Ma evit adesea.