duminică, 23 august 2009

Revelatia / The revelation

Inconstienta de propria constiinta. /Unconscious of my own conscience
Am vrut sa se intample asa. /
I wanted it to happen this way.
Zambesc acum /
I am smiling now
Ca sa-mi alung durerea /
To banish my pain away
Ce urmeaza sa-mi smulga maruntaiele./
The one that's going to tear my guts.
Mar. /
Sunt bucuroasa ca indraznesti sa ma musti./I
'm glad that you dare 2 bite me.
Si nu..nu te avertizez /
And no..i ain't warning you
Ca sunt putrezita.. /
That i am rotten..
N-ar avea rost./
It wouldn't make any sense.
Ma voi uni cu propria persoana,/
I will join my own person,
Voi sesiza valurile unei revelatii/
I will be aware of the waves of a revelation
Deja de mult trecuta prin mainile mele./
Already long time ago passed trough my hands 
Din nou. /

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