duminică, 23 august 2009

Dupa / After

Cu coada ochiului / With the sideways of our eyes
Ne chemam , ne ucidem ./
We call eachother, we kill eachother.
Alunecam prea brusc /
We're drifting too suddently
Intr-un framat gonit /
In a a struggle chased away
Mult prea repede. /
Way too soon.
Imi place. /
I like it.
Intens suvoi de sange /
Intense blood stream
Imi iese prin pori.. /
Is comming out of my pores..
Sunt stoarsa de tine. /
I am squeezed by you.
Fii mandru,vampirul meu! /
Be proud , my vampire!
Dovada pura a unei /
The pure proof of a
Imaginatii bolnave. /
Sick imagination.
Etern contopiti /
We are merged for eterneity
Intr-o banca. /
In a bench.
Si am un soi de deja-vu. /
And i am having a kind of deja-vu. 
Obisnuita cu nebunia /
I am used to the insanity
Manipularea propriei persoane. /
The manipulaiton of my own person.
Te iubesc. /
I love you.
O singura clipa.. /
One moment..
O clipa ce-am incercat /
A moment that i've tried
S-o retraiesc. /
To live again.
Dar poate nici n-am existat. /
But maybe I didn't even exist.
Atunci. /
Acum. /
Traiam si traiesc. /
I was living and i am living.
E mai acut decat acutul. /
It is more strong than the strenghtness .
Si totusi e la fel. /
And still it is the same.
Absenta-i relativa. /
The absence is relative.

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