marți, 25 august 2009

Curg pe-un os / I'm pouring on a bone

'Ok' e un cuvant prea relativ / 'Ok' is a very relatvie word.
'Aha' e plin d-indiferenta.. / 'Aha'  is full of indifference
Si venin. / And venom.
Nu sunt 'ok'! / I'm not'ok'!
Si nici 'aha' nu spun! / And i am not saying 'aha' either!
Prefer sa povestessc de-un 'nul'. / I prefer talking about a blankness.
Sunt sus , tasnind / I'm up , breaking loose 
Si curg pe-un os / And i'm pouring down on a bone
Iar bratele-ti de fier / And your arms of iron
M-alunga calduros. / Are driving me away warmly.
Euforie si extaz. / Euphoria and rapture.
Zambesc.. / I am smiling..
E tot ce-a mai ramas. / That's everything left.
M-avant in maine / I'm soaring in tomorrow
Si mi-l amintesc pe azi /And i'm remembering today
Regret sarcasmul din iubire / I regret the sarcasm in the love
Si asteptarea din ragaz. / And the waiting in the leisure.
Condoleante! / Condolences!

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