vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010


Todd: Out I say out!!

Lovett: All this running and shouting about what's happened?

Todd: No I had him!
His throat was there beneath my hand.
I had swear I had him!
His throat was there and now he'll never come again.

Mrs. Lovett: Easy now, hush love hush
I keep telling you -

Todd: When? Why do I wait?
You told me to wait -
Now he'll never come again.
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And it's filled with people who are filled with shit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it.
But not for long...

They all deserve to die.
Tell you why, Mrs. Lovett, tell you why.
Because in all of the whole human race
Mrs Lovett, there are two kinds of men and only two
There's the one they put in his proper place
And the one with his foot in the other one's face
Look at me, Mrs Lovett, look at you.

Now we all deserve to die
Even you Mrs. Lovett...even I
Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief
For the rest of us death will be a relief
We all deserve to die.

And I'll never see Joanna
No I'll never hold my girl to me - finished!
(shouted) Alright! You sir, you sir, how about a shave?
Come and visit your good friend Sweeney.
You sir, you sir? Welcome to the grave.

I will have vengenance.
I will have salvation.
(shouted) Who sir, you sir?
No one in the chair, come on! Come on!
Sweeney's waiting. I want you bleeders.
You sir - anybody.
Gentlemen don't be shy!

Not one man, no, no ten men.
Not a hundred can assuage me -
I will have you!
And I will get him back even as he gloats
In the meantime I'll practice on dishonorable throats.
And my Lucy lies in ashes
And I'll never see my girl again.

But the work waits!
I'm alive at last!
And I'm full of joy!

-Il ador

joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

Flirt umed

Ochii li se dilatau pe masura ce fasia de carne fumeganda i se desprindea de coapsa neatinsa vreodata.
-Tarfa imputita!De ce te jupoi singura?Ti-e foame?
Nimeni nu mai stia cine vorbea ori cine strangea orgasmic intre degete ingusta patura de-un rosu putred.
-Cadavrele pot vomita?Intreba Conway pe tutorele fetei.
"Imi vine sa ii manjesc cu sange lunar pe frumoasele lor maini in timp ce imi pipaie pulpele si sa torn acid pe buzele lor slinoase cu care ma saruta ceva mai mult decat patern pe frunte.De-as.."
-Sefu',esti sgur ca tipa asta e moarta?
-Idiotule,tu ai fost cel care a disecat-o ,gemand , si i-ai taiat vena cu vena cu unghiera bunicatii.Te auzi?
-E a maicamii,sefu'.
"Ma fascineaza talpile ei.Degetele-i seamana a semne de interogatie.
Cine?Eu?Sigur ca eu ,iubitelor... -si arunca o privire dragastos de imoasa degetelor reci - vreti sa va sarut?Sigur!"
"De ce naiba imi suge degetul mare de la picior?Ce....Ce?Vrei sa faci dragoste cu un mort?Huh?Simti placere cand imi presezi retina cu unghia si iti tii organul in maini?"
-Ce vrei Conway?
-Tipa s-a umezit rau de tot...
-Esti tampit?De ce-mi spui ceva ce stiu deja?E plina de saliva mea.
Si limba-i vizita coltul gurii in speranta gustarii si a ultimii picaturi nemiscate.
Siroiul dintre coapsele vinete aburea stratul fin de piele , neprofanat.
Chipul celui ce iubea tot cimitirul si care mai ales isi iubea propria cruce schita o grimasa ce aducea a dezgustul afisat de oricine i-ar fi sesizat persoana,oricand.
"DAAAA,ratatule!Se numeste URINA!"sopti lasciv putrefactia numita "tipa" dintre perne.

Nu maine

Nu maine,pareai a fi chiar tu.
Memoria-mi constant eratica iti lipeste reflexia lucioasa , si caustica inca , de o filosofie decedata spitaliceste la un moment incert.
Poate ca acest epilog e prea viabil pentru mine si poate ca sunt prea ubicua ,ca toate colturile mele mentale sa fie rescrise.Unele fraze ar fi prea fecunde oricum , irupte din ere de plictiseala si automat din realitati fumate de paritati.

Tu ce crezi?
Ma mai vezi?